Saturday, November 15, 2008

Excpecting wife, prenatal class, and a puppy

Well it has been a long week with work, studying for the CCA. We had our usual prenatal class this last week it was pretty good, didn't see any births on the screen, but did learn about nursing so you can imagine what that entitles. Work was good we are going to finish cleaning all of our seed 2 weeks early which is a good thing as we work on moving to our new warehouse. I did see online that the new Cat tractor that I posted before is now available in duals also now. And onto the highlight of the day a old friend of mine called and asked if we wanted a new pup. Unfortunately I had to turn him down for now, but his next litter is going to be about the beginning of February sometime. I had him put me down for a female on that litter. You can imagine my canine loving wife was eager to hear that we were getting an Australian Shepperd in March. I like the idea of getting the little guy a pup that will be protective of him. Well I best be going Liz has a baby shower tonight so us guys are going to eat pizza and watch a movie.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

CCA Exam, Prenatal Class, and Animal Science 101

Sorry I have been swamped with work and more work, this being the reason for no new post. This last week was crazy but we survived somehow, between work and getting ready for the baby is enough to keep a lot of people busy. However many of you know how the two of us usually have to push for a little extra, thus keeping us even busier. I have been cramming and studying like I was back in college during finals week. On the 6th of Feb. I am taking the CCA (Certified Crop Advisor) Exam it is a two part test Local Board and International Board. To help study for this exam I'm taking a online class that meets every Monday for 2.5 to 3hrs.. For a reference the International Performance Objectives it self is 85 pgs. of questions and the Local is 20 pgs. of questions. I have lots of reading and writing in the next couple of months. Then once I have taken the test and passed it I have to submit my college transcripts and 2 letters of references to the CCA board before I can recieve my endorsement upon their approval. I thought once you graduated college and got a job no one was ever to interested in your transcripts, guess not oops. So far I have 6 books to read and review to prep for this exam and hopefully I can make it to a seminar down in Twin Falls that is a good review from what I understand. I thought studying for my Pesticide Consulting License was bad, this exam makes it look like a walk in the park. Other than that work is going good I'm working the early shift in the warehouse right now cleaning seed, we have been taking a prenatal class at the local hospital which is good even though I did compare much of the first and second week of class to my college class animal science 101, that comparison got some cheers and jeers. Liz is looking really good I swear she is getting bigger by the day, a lot of people can't believe how small she is still. The little guy is a hyper active thing which shouldn't be to much of a surprise to all of you that know us. Well I best be going I have more studying to do, until next time bye for now.